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Mental Health Robocall Scripts

Customize robocall scripts to remind families about mental health services.
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These robocall scripts can be used to remind families about Hazel Health services. Customize the robocall script template by clicking "Click Here to Customize in English" below each template.

Robocall 1: Information

This is a message from [DISTRICT NAME]. This week we are notifying all parents about our new virtual mental health services with Hazel Health. Students can see a Hazel Health therapist from home or from school for virtual therapy. Hazel Health’s therapists can help your child or teen with depression, anxiety, change, stress, and everything in between. Connect your child to mental health support today. You can find more information about Hazel Health in [DISTRICT NAME] at Thank you, and have a great day.

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Click Here to Customize in Spanish

Robocall 2: Reminder

[DISTRICT NAME] is reminding all parents to sign up for our new virtual mental health services with Hazel Health. You can find the form to sign up and learn more by visiting Thank you!

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Click Here to Customize in Spanish

Robocall 3: Final Reminder

This is a reminder from [DISTRICT NAME]. If you haven’t already, please take 2 minutes today to sign up for our new mental health service in partnership with Hazel Health. At no cost to you, Hazel Health can help your child cope with what they are feeling. Please sign the form today at All Hazel Health virtual therapy sessions are virtual, confidential, and in a private, safe space. Thank you, and have a great day!

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Click Here to Customize in Spanish

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